Intrauterine insemination can help increase your chances of a successful pregnancy with a less invasive fertility treatment available at our Los Angeles and Glendale clinic locations. Contact us to learn more about intrauterine insemination and your path to parenthood.
If you’re looking to increase your chances of a successful pregnancy, your dedicated care team is ready to help. Your doctor can perform Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) or also known as artificial insemination, which places sperm directly into the uterus to increase the chances of successful fertilization and conception.
If you’re considering IUI, your doctors will walk you through everything you need to know about this procedure. To give you a head start on how you’d know if this treatment is right for you, here are some indicators our care team considers for this treatment:
Our expert team of professionals at PFCLA carefully coordinates this procedure with your natural cycle, or fertility medications to help you achieve a successful conception.
IUI is intended to increase fertilization chances by placing a concentrated amount of carefully prepared sperm in your uterus, or that of your partner or surrogate. This procedure provides an advantage over traditional conception by allowing the sperm to reach the fallopian tube much faster and fertilize the egg independently.
We've seen many intended parents choose this option because it's less invasive and more affordable than in vitro fertilization (IVF) and other fertility treatments. |
If IUI is an option that you or your partner would like to consider, here's what to expect throughout the procedure:
Our entire team at PFCLA is committed to caring for you or your surrogate during every step of your journey. Your doctor can monitor you or your surrogate for pregnancy signs during follow-up appointments, to assess its chance of success.
We’ve helped create families for the LBGTQ+ community. You’ll feel welcomed at PFCLA.
Your initial consultation will cover every conceivable issue and address your every concern.
We’ve been known to deliver needed medications in the middle of the night and provide assurances at three in the morning.
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Typography, spacing and all elements fit together perfectly for a great aesthetic sense and feeling.
Typography, spacing and all elements fit together perfectly for a great aesthetic sense and feeling.
Typography, spacing and all elements fit together perfectly for a great aesthetic sense and feeling.
Fertility Services
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Note: This is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Information provided is for general educational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. Speak to your doctor directly with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Any information contained herein does not replace any care plan as determined by a physician.
¹Birth rate percentage using aggregate data from ALL age groups on the Live Births Per Intended Egg Retrieval (ALL EMBRYO TRANSFERS) of Patient's Own Eggs chart for 2020. Reference: PFCLA SART | NATIONAL SART
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