IVF Statistics: Success Rates and Effectiveness


Countless people have come to Pacific Fertility Center for procedures such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), a popular and effective fertility treatment. The patients we’ve seen throughout the greater Los Angeles, CA area tend to experience issues with male and female infertility, which are resolved through our expertise and care.

Knowing some facts, figures, and numbers can reveal the pervasiveness of infertility and the helpfulness of fertility treatments. With that in mind, let’s look at some statistics on in vitro fertilization (IVF) and fertility procedures.

How Common Is Infertility?

Probably more common than you think. According to the National Survey of Family Growth conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 1 in 8 couples struggle with infertility. It’s estimated that 48.5 million couples worldwide struggle with infertility.

Numbers on Male and Female Infertility

The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) notes that among patients seen by fertility specialists, one-third of cases are the result of male infertility, one-third are the result of female infertility, and the remaining third are caused by a mix of male-and-female infertility or unexplained problems.

With this in mind, the CDC estimates that 12 percent of all women between the ages of 15 and 44 have difficulty getting pregnant and carrying a baby to term. Among sexually active men, 7.5 percent of American males reported meeting with a fertility doctor at least once.

Chances for Pregnancy in Fertile Couples

Even couples without fertility issues may experience hurdles trying to conceive. Numbers from the National Women’s Health Resource Center estimated that couples aged 29-33 that do not experience infertility have a 20-25 percent chance of conceiving in any given month.

An estimated 60 percent of couples will conceive without the need for fertility treatment. Even fertile couples may turn to IVF and other fertility treatments if they are simply unable to conceive.

Number of IVF Treatments

According to the CDC’s national report on Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), there were 231,936 fertility treatment cycles performed in America in 2015. IVF played a role in around 99 percent of all ART procedures performed.

Fertility Treatments and Age

The CDC’s numbers show that 38.1 percent of fertility treatment patients were under the age of 35. Patients aged 35-37 made up 21 percent of all patients in 2015. Patients aged 38-40 made up 19.4 percent of patients in 2015.

The overall median age for women undergoing ART was 35.

The Success Rates of IVF

The CDC reports 186,157 ART cycles in which an embryo was transferred. Of these 186,175 procedures, 60,778 resulted in live births. Thanks to ART, 72,913 infants were delivered in 2015.

When fresh non-donor eggs or embryos were used in ART procedures, the CDC noted an 81.6 percent success rate, meaning live birth of a child or multiple children; 16.3 percent of ART procedures resulted in pregnancy loss.

Single-Birth and Multiple-Birth Numbers

IVF tends to increase the chances of having twins and triplets simply given the realities of the procedure. The CDC notes that in 2015, 86 percent of ART procedures involved the transfer of one or two embryos; 11 percent of procedures involved the transfer of three embryos; and the remaining ART procedures involved four or more embryos.

Among live births from ART/IVF, 63 percent of successful cases resulted in a single infant; 18.6 percent of live births resulted in multiple births.

Contact Pacific Fertility Center

If you would like to learn more about IVF and your many other options for starting a family, be sure to contact the doctors of Pacific Fertility Center. We are here to provide insight and answers when you need them. You can reach our Westwood office by calling (310) 586-3458 and our Glendale office by calling (818) 952-0328.

Note: This is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Information provided is for general educational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. Speak to your doctor directly with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Any information contained herein does not replace any care plan as determined by a physician. 

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