There are many reasons individuals consider fertility preservation, from career aspirations to outstanding health circumstances to simply waiting before you start your family.
If you’d like to have the option to bring your biological children into life in the future, it’s a good idea to consider fertility preservation through egg freezing or embryo freezing. At PFCLA, we offer both egg and embryo preservation for our patients.
Let’s walk through the basics of fertility preservation, and what your possibilities are.
Fertility preservation is a viable option for both men and women who want to save eggs, sperm and reproductive tissue for future use. The preservation allows adults to have biological children when they are ready to do so, extending fertility by years or, in some cases, decades.
Anyone can partake in fertility preservation, and it’s a great option for men and women with certain life scenarios or medical ailments that may affect fertility.
Many women pursuing professional or educational growth choose to freeze eggs in order to retain their ability to have a healthy, successful pregnancy. Because a woman’s fertility declines around age 30, egg freezing is a good option for women who want to wait to start their families.
In addition, many individuals experiencing cancer or are undergoing cancer treatment pursue fertility preservation to freeze sperm, eggs, or embryos for the future. Methods of fertility preservation before cancer treatment varies for men and women, so it's best to consult with both a fertility preservation specialist and your cancer doctors before deciding a course of action.
Although many parents don't realize it, fertility options also exist for children who have been diagnosed with cancer. Fertility preservation should be addressed with your child as soon as they are old enough to understand, and particularly if they have begun puberty. Your consent and your child’s might be required before a procedure can be done.
Candidates for fertility preservation include:
A good deal of fertility preservation options are available for both women and men. Before choosing which method is right for you, it's best to consider all your options.
If you are planning a cancer treatment or have other reasons to preserve your fertility, you should schedule an appointment with a fertility specialist as soon as possible. Our specialists at Pacific Fertility Center Los Angeles will help you understand your options throughout the process.
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¹Birth rate percentage using aggregate data from ALL age groups on the Live Births Per Intended Egg Retrieval (ALL EMBRYO TRANSFERS) of Patient's Own Eggs chart for 2020. Reference: PFCLA SART | NATIONAL SART
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